Friday, January 27, 2012

                                                           What's cookin' Valentine?

I'd like to get "pickled" with you!

                                                Don't forget to say I love you, as I just did.
                                                             Happy Valentine's Day

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

I lost someone last year. A wonderful friend to me for 30 years. I can't imagine what my life will be like without her in it. I think to myself she is gone now and how sad that makes me...

                 then I wake up in the morning and gaze at the beautiful seascape in my bedroom
she's there
I see how lovely my Christmas tree looks this year

with the handcrafted ornaments she made

I step out into my front hall and see the milk can she painted at my request,
the only one of it's kind, as she said "never again!"
and into my art studio
I see her face in 3 of my best friends
and I see the living legacy of 4 beautiful grandchildren
my last little birthday remembrance from her
Rosamond, her kitty, named after one of her favorite authors
and now a member of my household
She enjoyed playing with her family
She loved going places
She was the most wonderful grandmother
not only was she a gifted artist, but a talented seamstress as well
and a beauty in every way
Margaret Strange Gullion

a truly loving soul