Tuesday, May 29, 2012

                                     It actually quit raining in Oregon for a few days last week, 
                                 so I spent a little time outside mowing, weeding and gardening

and admiring my early flowering plants
jacob's ladder
bleeding hearts
peonies I planted to honor Mom on Mother's Day
many many years ago...
It's not a happy plant but this year looks pretty good.
I usually break a bunch of the stems when tilling or mulching but so far I've been good 

                                                                           I also
                                               picked up some local eggs at my feed store
lovingly packed by color, aren't they beautiful?
I got out the pistachios
as pound cake seemed like a good idea
and I found a recipe on this blog
the hardest step of the recipe 
it turned out good 
pistachio pound cake with citrus
packaged up for my morning break the next day

I went to watch Annie dance, baliwood style
with Linda (she'll love this picture)
and Linsey (she'll love this picture)
there's Annie, in the back!
there was live music, and this one here is belly dancing
with a sword (sword dancing, I guess)
her belly's really moving,
and it didn't ever occur to me to use the video option on my camera...duh!
It was fun! with belly's being all shapes, sizes and ages! Inspirational!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Found this while I was cleaning out the garage...
I don't see any of these checked off, Annie?

Happy Mother's Day  < :)