Sunday, August 4, 2013

                                              June 2013

molly and derek move to portland
touring the columbia river gorge

my great-niece
erik's pulled pork sandwich
(more interesting than the gorge itself)
one of the best he's ever had, he said
and purchased at the little springdale country store 
waterfall tour - shepherd's dell
wahkeena falls
I never tire of showing folks this special group of waterfalls
it reminds me of why I love it here

bridal veil falls
photo op…lower left

the columbia river 
multnomah falls

garden time
check out my square-foot garden 
this is where my shed used to be

a little wabi sabi


margie's hood-to-coast
a trip to mt. hood to scatter margie's ashes
this blue moth landed where we placed some of the ashes
it stayed there for a very long time 
we took margie to the beach, too
she loved it there
nehalem bay

                                                                                                 back home
I love it when they bale

from the garden, summer squash and herbs
silly carrots
big blueberries
an acre of them from a semi-abandoned patch
belonging to an elderly lady who lets us pick there 
up the mt. hood fruit loop searching for cherries
we found some for  95¢/lb…score!
we enjoyed some cherry-bacon-gorgonzola pizza at this nice place
for annie's birthday

sad news…rosie kitty's forever resting place
 see the cross?
she suffered from kidney failure at 16 yrs
I'm not the only one who misses her

how I love the flowers of summer 

morning coffee


my little flower garden has grown since the pictures above - yay!
la courgette in the flower garden

and this from pinterest
a broken umbrella stand works well for pole support
too bad I didn't see it before the peas, which are now done here
my garden's off to a slow start this year with rain all through June
warm weather tomatoes and cukes are taking longer to ripen
I refreshed my sunflower table that margie and john made

happy summer!