Thursday, October 13, 2011


ge·ne·al·o·gy    (jn-l-j, -l-, jn-) 

pl. ge·ne·al·o·gies
    .  A record or table of the descent of a person, family, or group from an ancestor or ancestors; a family tree.
    .  Direct descent from an ancestor; lineage or pedigree.
    .  The study or investigation of ancestry and family histories.

Grace Kearny
Middle English genealogie, from Old French, from Late Latin genelogiafrom Greek genelogi : gene, familysee gen- in Indo-European roots + -logi,-logy

               While in Wisconsin, I got to spend a little time re-connecting with some family history:

identifying the family tree file

I also got to see the house my grandma and grandpa lived in for as long as I could remember.
It has been refurbished and is a beautiful example of so many victorian homes in this area
made with the yellow brick from the local factory.
the white house on the right, now a separate residence, was originally the carriage house
 the vintage fence was found in the basement by the new owners and re-installed
my maternal grandparents
Grace and George Buzzell
Thanks Big Brother!