Friday, March 23, 2012

Snow in March, pretty rare event!
note the leaning tower of fir

and onto

a saturday excursion
with my friend, Cindy

 by invitation to an antique event given by 3 different
individuals from their homes located in Silverton and Salem
Molly Mo's
cool chicken hut
the king surrounded by his harem
Roost Reimagined
a "cake" made from book pages
it's art!

spotted these between destinations
at first I thought they were camels, but maybe they are some kind of llamas?
there was also a zebra! but he was skittish and shot out of camera range
Vintage Trifles
it must be spring

women who strive for equality with men
lack ambition

love these "cakes"!
really cute cart
my purchased treasures, oh! the joy!
I hope the happy frog fountain works, Cindy blew into it and it seemed clear
don't you just love these frogs? and real steal at $6!

remember the leaning tower of fir???

just missed the raised bed which has been sprouting chard all winter,

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